Gloria Schaefer
Licensed Massage Therapist
SINCE 2005
95 Allens Creek Road
Suite 23 (Building 2, first floor)
Rochester, New York 14618

rhythmic, methodical, specific
Gloria is an individual practitioner of therapeutic massage. Her offerings include Swedish, Deep Tissue, Prenatal, Hot Stone, Cupping, and Scraping. Gloria developed her techniques and refined her business practices through twenty years of experience of giving and receiving massage therapy.


95 Allens Creek Road has a sign for Executive Square and Remax Realty. Drive to building 2 and park on either side of the building. Suite 23 (formerly Suite 3) is on the FIRST floor on the same side as the men's bathroom.
policies & guidelines
Updated 2/25/25
Short notice cancellation, less than 36 hours and missed appointments 50% fee
Please read these guidelines. Thank you for taking the time to read!
Strictly therapeutic. Any advances, inappropriate comments, or questions will result in the termination of service. Your questions can probably be answered with an internet search.
Being late may result in a shorter session. If you are going to be more than 5 minutes late, please contact Gloria. If you are more than 15 minutes late and you cannot be reached, you have missed your appointment.
Requirements for Therapeutic Massage
Age 18 or older.
Speak English, please contact Gloria in advance if you are deaf or speak another language. Being able to communicate is important in the context of therapeutic massage.
Able to lay facedown, capable of rolling over, able to travel and walk comfortably.
Please contact Gloria in advance if you have any major medical conditions, recent injuries, or special needs.
Please do not schedule within six weeks of surgery.
Contraindications for Therapeutic Massage
Local contraindications
(Massage may be performed around the contraindicated area.)
Cuts or open wounds
Bulging varicose veins
Broken bones
Acute or flared-up skin conditions
Total contraindications
(Please cancel. As much notice as possible is appreciated.)
Contagious illness/disease
Blood clots